Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dr. Fleisher: Patient Insulin Requirement Drops 40 percent

MetaPhase is working well for blood sugar stabilization for ...

MetaPhase And Improved A1C Test Scores

I am writing to tell you about our continued success with Metaphase. When we first started taking MetaPhase over a year ago our morning blood sugar measurements became much better when taking 2 capsules, twice daily.

MetaPhase Helps Controls Carb Cravings For Weight Loss

The first time I took MetaPhase I noticed I was not hungry for about 6 hours, nor did I crave sweets. I have been taking 2 capsules after each meal and it has really cut down on the amount of food I eat too.

MetaPhase And Blood Sugar

I want to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts about MetaPhase. Whereas Mendelian statistics predict that one in four children of persons with blood sugar issues also develop such issues, in my family the statistic has been 100% for the past two generations.