Vital Cell Helps Friends “ Written Off” by Doctors


A 70-something friend of mine had been “written off” by heart doctors three years ago; they had told her to tell everyone good-bye because the traditional medical community could do nothing more for her ailing heart. As she answered the phone, I was surprised to be greeted by her very vibrant voice. In what was to be a good-bye call, she told me of her “miraculous” recovery after discovering a wonderful product on the Internet. When I inquired about the product, she said “Vital Cell” and spoke of its tremendous effects on her heart and very life. The medical doctors could not believe her recovery! (By the way, now – three years later – she has moved to California to help her daughter!)

I was so impressed with what she said about Vital Cell, I investigated and began taking the product myself. Within a short time my periodic heart palpitations (which I had experienced for several years and about which the medical community said couldn’t be helped) completely stopped! I’m a believer in Vital Cell! Thanks so much!

Rena Doering
San Antonio, Texas

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