Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Personalized 3D Printed Knee Implants Could Help Thousands of Arthritis Sufferers

A groundbreaking new treatment that uses 3D printing to create personalized knee implants could bring relief to tens of thousands of knee osteoarthritis sufferers. The...

Intestinal Bacteria Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Researchers have linked a species of intestinal bacteria known as Prevotella copri to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, the first demonstration in humans that the chronic...

Bacteria Responsible for Gum Disease Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic periodontal disease (PD) – one of the most prevalent infectious inflammatory diseases affecting humans – has been positively linked to systemic inflammatory disorders,...

ArthriPhase Helps Client With Joint And Cartilage Issues

I read about an older lady who started to walk again after she started taking ArthriPhase. Before taking ArthriPhase she couldn't straighten her elbow out, but afterwards she was able to use her arm again. She was about 85 years old. That really got my attention and that is why I started using ArthriPhase.

ArthriPhase Helps Relieve Foot Pain Following Surgeries

I thought you might be interested to learn that since we last corresponded, I have used ArthriPhase with a 40-year old female suffering from right foot pain, that was especially painful when walking. She had a bunion surgically removed from her left foot in 2007, with screws that subsequently loosened. She had a second surgery ...

Questions About Arthriphase

I love to take arthriphase, it really helped my joints and stopped the pain but after pulmonary embolism I asked the doctor about this product, he had no idea since the chinese herbs don’t mean anything to him, is it possible to find out what these herbs are in terms he can understand and what ...

ArthriPhase Helps Client With Joint Problems

I had joint issues in my whole body. I heard about ArthriPhase. I'm usually very skeptical because I've ordered things in the past that didn't work. My hands and knees were so bad that I was getting shots. I was having a hard time closing my hands, and stepping off the curb or stepping up a stair.

ArthriPhase Helps Overcome Stiffness, Pain In Wrist And Fingers

As a dental hygienist, the proper functioning of my wrist, hands, and fingers are vital to my profession. About a year ago, I was experiencing stiff wrist and fingers upon awakening and this eventually continued throughout the day. After the stiffness, pain set in.

ArthriPhase Helps Reader With Pain Following Hip Replacement Surgery, Bursitis

I took ArthriPhase for 20 days, and on the 21st day I woke up with no pain in my right hip. Both of my...

ArthriPhase Relieves Nighttime Pains For Better Sleep

I am an 84-year-old woman with joint issues in my fingers. The pain would wake me up every night between 3 and 4 am so I could never get a good night's sleep. ArthriPhase worked beautifully the first time I used it.

ArthriPhase Relieves Stiffness, Discomfort

I started having pain and stiffness in my fingers over a year ago. I started taking two different formulas containing New Zealand green-lipped mussel, along with chondroitin and glucosamine.