Friday, July 26, 2024

‘Pollen Vortex’ Cause of Worst Allergy Season Ever?

Winter is over and everyone should feel free to retire “snowpocalypse” and “polar vortex” from their vocabulary. If letting go of these buzz words...

GingiPhase Really Worked For Me…

GingiPhase really worked for me. I had pockets from 3-6 mm all over, and last September the dental hygienist told me I would need some rather unpleasant procedures to deal with this issue if it didn’t get better (I’m already getting cleanings every four months instead of the typical six). I got three bottles of GingiPhase...

Combining Vital Cell® With CardioPhase®

I have purchased both your Vital Cell and CardioPhase. I understand these can be taken together. Please advise the maximum dosage of each if...

Bladder Bacteria Vary in Women With Common Forms of Incontinence

Women with common forms of urinary incontinence have various bacteria in their bladder, according to data presented today by researchers from Loyola University Chicago...

Vital Cell And “New Health”

A friend told me about Vital Cell after she was literally brought back to health after 2-3 weeks of using your product. She lives in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas, and a group of us from our church at a state meeting held in Austin in January sent her a get well card (she could not attend because she of her health.)

Question Concerning Safety Of Licorice In FloControl®

My wife would like to take your FloControl® formula. We showed the list of ingredients to our doctor (of integrative medicine). He thinks that...

Question About Taking Vital Cell® On Empty Stomach

I have tried Vital Cell and find it difficult to take on a regular basis, as it has to be taken on an empty...

Eating Walnuts Shown to Improve Endothelial Function in Overweight Adults

Medical researchers from the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Connecticut have found evidence suggestive that adding walnuts to one's diet can protect against diabetes...

Success with ArthriPhase™ After Arthroscopic Surgery

ArthriPhase has done wonders for my husband who has been suffering ...

Questions About Arthriphase

I love to take arthriphase, it really helped my joints and stopped the pain but after pulmonary embolism I asked the doctor about this product, he had no idea since the chinese herbs don’t mean anything to him, is it possible to find out what these herbs are in terms he can understand and what ...

Positive Evaluation Of GingiPhase And ProstaPhase

GingiPhase is a wonderful product. The small pocket which started forming around my tooth had completely disappeared after just a few days of taking GingiPhase. I can now eat meat and nuts and I have no more pain. Not only has it helped the inflammation of my gums, but also did wonders for my sinuses and ears. I have no more sinus pains and no more itching in my ears.

FDA Warns of Next-Day Impairment From Sleep Drug Lunesta

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning for the insomnia drug Lunesta (eszopiclone) based on evidence of next-day impairment of driving and other activities...