Vital Cell And “New Health”


A friend told me about Vital Cell after she was literally  brought back to health after 2-3 weeks of using your product. She lives in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas, and a group of us from our church at a state meeting held in Austin in January sent her a get well card (she could not attend because she of her health.)

We all thought we were truly saying good-bye to a wonderful friend in this card. Then she heard of your product from a friend of hers in Canada; she used the product and now is full of zip again, very truly given new life.

So I tried the Vital Cell, and I love it. And what’s most amazing is that it has completely quieted all my heart issues!

I just recently went to a very well-informed, well-educated health practitioner in Austin (I live in San Antonio) who reviewed ALL of my MANY supplements. Of all the labels of the supplement bottles he read and evaluated, he identified Vital Cell as the very best. He only identified four others in the grouping of “acceptable” ones to him; he said that the Vital Cell far outshines any of those he approved. He was very impressed with the formula of Vital Cell. He is NOT easily impressed, trust me!


Rena Doering
San Antonio, TX

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