Sunday, March 2, 2025

‘Pollen Vortex’ Cause of Worst Allergy Season Ever?

Winter is over and everyone should feel free to retire “snowpocalypse” and “polar vortex” from their vocabulary. If letting go of these buzz words...

Increase In Allergies Is Not from Being Too Clean, Just Losing...

A new scientific report out October 3 from the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH)[i] dismantles the myth that the epidemic rise in allergies in recent years has happened because we're living in sterile homes and overdoing hygiene.

Corticosteroids Not Effective For Treating Acute Sinusitis, Study Suggests

Corticosteroids, frequently prescribed to alleviate acute sinusitis, show no clinical benefit in treating the condition, according to a randomized controlled trial published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

AllerPhase® User Reports “Enormous Difference”

I first heard about your product, AllerPhase, from an article in HSI that said it would only take 25 to 35 minutes to work. They were exactly correct, as I felt an enormous difference right then. I now take 2 caps in the morning and 2 in the night, and I feel perfectly good. This is substantially better than taking allergy shots.

Customer Surprised With AllerPhase® And ImmunoPhase®

I first heard about AllerPhase and ImmunoPhase through my dentist. I bought the products with much speculation, basically to shut him up. I had the product in my cabinet for about 2 months and had not taken any of them. I have struggled with seasonal issues associated with molds and cedar pollen for 42 years.

AllerPhase® Helps Reader Breath Freely Again

I have really bad allergic reactions to all of the perfumes and chemicals found in lotions, hairspray and, aftershave. I simply can't be around any those products and need to have fresh air. The only way I can cope with this problem is to stay in my own room, away from other people, or to carry oxygen bottles with me...

AllerPhase Relieves Discomfort Aggravated By Smoke

I wanted to let your readers know how well AllerPhase works for me. After years of suffering non-stop from seasonal irritations aggravated by smoke (we have a wood burning stove), my nose ran and I sneezed all the time. I tried HistaBlock from Nature Sunshine, and nothing worked at all.

Customer Finds Relief With AllerPhase

I have been coughing uncontrollably for three years. I couldn’t stop coughing and was worried that I maybe had lung cancer. I couldn’t even sing anymore or have a conversation for long without coughing. Finally I was diagnosed with asthma, but unfortunately, all the medications I tried had terrible side effects and ultimately I could ...

More Feedback On AllerPhase Relief, Lack Of Side Effects

Allergies have interfered with my life for many years, and I have tried countless remedies. I have also done allergy testing and a program called BioSet, which was very expensive but did help. However, the allergies still come back in the Spring and Fall, so I try to use whatever homeopathic remedies that work somewhat...

Finally Free From Seasonal Issues

For eight months of the year I no longer have to worry about seasonal respiratory issues. I made my order for AllerPhase and I am good to go. For years my life was make miserable from seasonal outbreaks...

AllerPhase Helps 14-Year-Old Son Sensitive To Grasses

My 14-year-old son has suffered from grass and tree sensitivities for most of his life. Making matters worse were his reactions while taking part in physical exercise (PE) classes at school. We live in California and the PE classes are held outside on the grass fields. He is...

Husband Helped After 40 Years With Seasonal Sensitivities

found your site through Hyla Cass, MD ( I am a huge fan of hers and her advice has improved my life immensely! As for my husband, he has suffered from respiratory issues for 40 years. He has tried just about all of the OTC products available...