Monday, October 14, 2024

Reversing Osteoporosis Reduces Fracture Risks in 78-Year-Old Patient

By Hyla Cass, MD Recently, one of my long-time patients, a 78-year-old woman named Jean, called to tell me that her Beverly Hills endocrinologist was...

Osteoporosis a Major Threat to Women’s Independence

According to a new report published by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), women may expect to live longer but their quality of life will...

Customer Pleased With OsteoPhase bones were becoming stronger and healthier. I was ecstatic and continued using OsteoPhase and FemmePhase for the next two years. So here we are, four years after the original diagnosis, and my third bone density scan has revealed that I have successfully reversed the osteopenia, and my bones are healthy and normal...

Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Too High for Some Women

Calcium and vitamin D are commonly recommended for older women, but the usual dosages of these common supplements may send calcium excretion and blood...

Success From Combination Of OsteoPhase And Herbal Boost

I began taking Tango’s OsteoPhase® and Herbal Boost® in late summer 2008 to address my bone density issues. During past years I had fractured my femur falling off a bike, and cracked my pelvis tripping on a rock and falling. Both events required assiduous efforts to recover and strengthen.

Questions About OsteoPhase And Kidney Stones

Faced with the prospect of having some major dental work done and having been on Fosamax for three years without any results in the improvement of bone density, I stopped taking Fosamax and went on Osteophase. I have been taking 4 tablets a day for the last 9 months and my bone ...

Question On Healing Of Fractures

I am currently recovering from having 3 fractured ribs, 1 fractured finger and a hairline tibia fracture. Would taking herbal boost and vital cell help...

Question About OsteoPhase And Green Tea

Please, help me with this question: will the caffeine in organic green tea interfere with my osteophase? I started drinking green tea one month ago, I drink it at least one hour after I take my Osteophase. Please, your comments are of extreme importance...

Happy With Outcome After Taking OsteoPhase For Two Years

Thank you for allowing me to share my story about how OsteoPhase® helped me. My physician, Dr. Branin, was supportive when I showed him the literature about OsteoPhase two years ago. He said it looked like a good product from the review. His only concern was that there were only positive reports and no negatives.