ImmunoPhase In Cold Weather
Thank you for letting me take part in your evaluation trial for ImmunoPhase. I'm originally from Hawaii and have never fully adjusted to the California combination of bright sunlight and cold temperatures.
ImmunoPhase Reduces Reaction To Wasp’ Sting
Once again I have to thank your company for making products that really work. Yesterday I had a man moving heavy items out of...
Teacher Pleased With ImmunoPhase
I am a teacher at Mt. San Jacinto College in southern California. For the first two years of teaching I had sinus and upper respiratory issues each year. I found out about ImmunoPhase from Health Sciences Institute and started taking it whenever I would get sinus and upper respiratory issues.
Herbal Boost For Mental And Physical Support
I have used your products for a number of years and have had excellent results. I consider Tango products to be one of the finest and purest lines around, and I decided to purchase some Herbal Boost to promote my husband's mental and physical health.
Vital Cell Use, Side Effects After Ablation Treatment
In September I went to a clinic in Germany that specializes in heart arrhythmias and underwent ablation treatment. After surgery my doctor prescribed Flecainide...
Vital Cell – A Naturopathic Perspective
I am writing this letter to commend you on your product, VitalCell. As a Naturopath I have tried everything possible for a patient of mine who has endured almost two years of leg cramps in his calf muscles.
Vital Cell And Diabetes
As a long-term sufferer of Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure I’ve found your anecdotal reports of lowering blood pressure levels with Tango...
Vital Cell And “New Health”
A friend told me about Vital Cell after she was literally brought back to health after 2-3 weeks of using your product. She lives in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas, and a group of us from our church at a state meeting held in Austin in January sent her a get well card (she could not attend because she of her health.)